Chapter 5 – The Parousia


“And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone as the sun, and his outer garments became brilliant as the light.”

– Matthew 17:2- 

Jesus' visible parousia Since the appointed times of the nations clearly do not relate to the original destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon there is simply no validity in the Watchtower’s seven-times chronological formula anchored to 607 BCE. It is also demonstrably not true that the harvest of the kingdom wheat and the incineration of the weeds has already been accomplished or that the judgment of the spiritual house of God took place in 1918. .

It is not a case of obstinate disbelief or ridiculing the reality of the presence of Christ on the part of men bereft of the truth. Rejecting what is untrue is not an act of apostasy. No one should accept the Society’s 1914 doctrine based merely upon the sagacity of the “faithful slave” in other doctrinal matters that are beyond dispute. Determining whether any doctrine is true or false is simply a matter of honestly reasoning upon the Scriptures—as the Watchtower occasionally admonishes—and putting to the test that which is put forth as inspired expressions. And doing so in this instance leads to the inescapable conclusion that the Watchtower’s 1914 parousia proclamation is false. 

In view of such a massive miscalculation and the blind insistence on the part of the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses on retaining such a grievous error for so long, not only must the 1914 time frame of the parousia be rejected, but the very nature of an invisible parousia itself must be reconsidered as well—or what C.T. Russell succinctly defined as th